Privacy Policy

privacy policy

pp+a are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold about you and how and why we process that information. The purpose of this policy is to outline how we collect data on you, how we use it and how we store it.


pp+a collect different kinds of data depending on what we are using it for, some of that data is personally identifiable and some of it isn’t.

Mailing List

When you sign up to the mailing list we ask you to provide personal data including your email address, name and town/city of residence. Your email address is so we can send you our regular newsletter and you town/city of residence is so we can analyse the reach of our work in order to help us make decisions about our programme as well as to report to our primary funder, Arts and Humanities Research Council. We ask for your consent when joining the mailing list and this forms the legal basis for us holding your data. Our mailing list is held by Mailchimp. You can read their Privacy Policy here.

You can opt out of the mailing list at any time by clicking through the link in any of the emails you receive or by updating your settings via Mailchimp. We will regularly review our mailing list and ask anyone who has not opened an email from us for an extended period of time to acknowledge their wish to remain on the mailing list.


The contact address for the team is displayed on the website meaning you can get in touch with us at any time. Any information you provide via email will be stored for as long as necessary and processed only inasmuch as is necessary to respond to your enquiry.

Evaluation and Feedback

pp+a are keen to hear feedback from our audiences and use statistical information, written feedback and data collected via online surveys to undertake evaluation in order to develop our programme, tailor our online presence and improve the services we offer.

Statistical data collected via the website and social media includes date and time of visit and referring website; further information is collected via Google Analytics to inform us of our digital audience demographics and includes the age and gender of our users as well as the interests they have expressed through online purchases and other activity. Statistical data and data provided through Google Analytics is anonymised and no information is personally identifiable to us. You can view Google’s Privacy Policy and opt-out of Google Analytics here.


All data is stored securely on a locked server with access regulated and limited by password protection. The data collected is used exclusively by pp+a in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


pp+a does not rent, sell or otherwise share information about our contacts with any business, organisation or individual. When we work in collaboration with other organisations and venues we only share anonymised data in order to evaluate and assess our work; where we have to report to funders we do so using only anonymised data. The only exception to this is where we are legally obliged to do so to comply with a current judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process.


Under the GDPR legislation anyone whose data is held by pp+a has a set of rights relating to it. They are as follows:

• The right to be informed
• The right of access
• The right to rectification
• The right to erase
• The right to restrict processing
• The right to data portability
• The right to object
• Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

If you would like to exercise one or more of your rights in relation to the data pp+a holds on you, please let us know in writing and we will be happy to help. For more information about what these rights mean please visit the Information Commissioner’s Office website.

If you want to make a complaint about how pp+a handles your data, please get in touch with us directly in the first instance and we will do everything we can to rectify the situation. If you are still unhappy you have the right to contact the ICO as the relevant supervisory authority directly.